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Energetic Cord Cutting and Cleansing your Sacred Space ~ How To....

What is cord cutting? How to perform a cord cutting ritual, follow the steps below..

Cord cutting, in a spiritual or energetic sense, refers to a symbolic ritual aimed at releasing negative attachments, emotional ties, or energetic connections with a person, situation, fear or pattern that no longer serves us. It is a practice often used to promote healing, personal growth, and the restoration of personal boundaries.

Before any ritual, it’s important to cleanse your space

Cleansing your space before a cord cutting ritual helps remove any negative or stagnant energies, creating a clear and harmonious environment for the ritual to take place.

By purifying the space, you can enhance the effectiveness of the cord cutting process and promote a sense of clarity and sacredness.

Cleansing can be done at any time, I am especially drawn to cleanse myself and my space when I feel heavy energies around me, after illness, personal breakthroughs, times of negativity or when others negativity, illness or toxicity has entered my own or if I feel like I’m going round in circles with something.

Cleansing Mantras to use for all techniques

When cleansing I use a mantra of my own but you can create anything that feels good to you and call on any deities, ancestors, your higher self, the Universe, your guides and angels, I call on all that would like to aid me in cleansing my space as I see myself as eclectic, I don’t confirm to one specific belief system but instead take all the positive parts that I resonate with from many and incorporate these into my practices, this is changing all the time as I gain more wisdom.

This is an example of the mantra I use, it changes slightly each time, it doesn’t have to be word perfect, your intention just has to be pure and clear.

Here are a few methods you can use to cleanse your space

Smoke Cleansing:

Burn sacred herbs like white sage, palo santo, or cedar, if you don’t have any of these, you can use incense. Allow the smoke to permeate the room, paying attention to the corners and areas where energy may accumulate.

Visualize the smoke dispelling any unwanted energies, purifying the space.

Open windows and doors to allow the energy to leave, I work from the furthest upstairs corner of the house and work my way out and down, using a circular clockwise motion, personally I don’t feel it matters which way you circle if your intention is pure and clear but some belief systems think that clockwise or ‘Sunwise’ is in the natural order of things as it’s the way the Sun moves so it’s more aligned with light forces and love.

Sound Cleansing:

Use a singing bowl, chimes, bells, or a drum in the same way and imagine the sound vibrations clearing away any negative or stagnant energies.

Salt Purification:

Sprinkle sea salt or Himalayan salt around the room or create saltwater solution to wipe surfaces.

Visualize the salt absorbing and neutralizing any negative energies present.

Afterward, either sweep or wipe away the salt, physically removing the absorbed energies.

Energetic Visualization:

Close your eyes and imagine a radiant, pure light filling the room.

Visualize this light cleansing and purifying every corner, surface, and object.

Set the intention that all unwanted energies are being cleared away, leaving behind a harmonious space.

Personal Intention:

Set your personal intention to clear and cleanse the space before the cord cutting ritual.

Verbally or silently express your desire for a sacred and energetically supportive environment.

Use your own words, spells or prayers to invoke divine assistance and blessings.

Remember to trust your intuition when choosing a cleansing method and adapt it to suit your preferences and beliefs. After cleansing the space, proceed with the cord cutting ritual.

You can find more on Cleansing, Charging & Intuitively Choosing Crystals to work with in the link at the end of this Blog.


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.

Gather any materials you may need, such as candles, string, scissors, lighter, crystals, or a journal.

Setting Intentions:

Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and create a calm state of mind.

Reflect on the specific attachment or relationship you wish to release.

Clarify your intentions for the cord cutting, emphasizing your desire for freedom, healing, release and growth.


Close your eyes and visualize the energetic cords connecting you to the person, situation, or pattern, I imagine them connected to the heart space but however works for you.

Observe the nature of these cords, noting any feelings, colors, or sensations associated with them.

Imagine a pair of golden scissors or a sharp knife in your hand, symbolizing your ability to cut these cords.

Cutting the Cords:

With a sense of empowerment, mentally or physically make a cutting motion, severing the cords one by one.

As each cord is cut, imagine the energetic connection dissolving, freeing you from its influence.

Affirm your commitment to release any negativity or attachment associated with the cords with a mantra or saying that can enhance your focus, if you choose.

An Example of a Cord Cutting Mantra to focus your intention

You can add actions to enhance the Ritual

There are a couple of other ways to cut energetic cords that might be draining your energy, as well as visualization, I like to add an action to the process, either cutting an actual cord in the 3D world, having a crystal knife (these are specifically carved for cord cutting rituals) or by using the flame of a candle, flames of a candle are generally used for the more rooted attachments, things that are harder to let go of or have been with you for a lot longer, I’ll give some examples of how to incorporate these into your ritual.

Using Rope:

If you have a piece of rope or string and some scissors, you can place the rope around you in a circle or tie it around your body, wherever feels most appropriate and cut it while saying your mantra and using the visualization techniques.

Using Candles:

Alternatively, you can use two candles, one representing you and one representing the energy, soul, place, situation or belief you would like to detach from, tie a string around both candles and allow them to burn down until the cord is released.

Take care when setting up your candles and cord, place them on something you don’t mind getting damaged or something heat resistant for the wax and burned cord when it falls.

Grounding and Integration:

Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment.

Visualize a golden light or a healing energy surrounding and filling your body, replenishing any spaces left by the cut cords.

Feel the freedom and lightness that comes with releasing these attachments.

Reflection and Gratitude:

Take some time to journal or reflect on your experience. Write down any insights, emotions, or revelations that arise during or after the ritual.

Express gratitude for the lessons learned, the healing process, and the opportunity to grow.

Remember, cord cutting is a symbolic ritual, and while it can be a powerful tool for personal transformation, it is essential to complement it with appropriate actions and personal work to support your desired outcomes.

If you'd like to learn more about Cleansing, Choosing, Charging and Working with Crystals, click the button below to be taken to my Blog ~ Crystal Alchemy...

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I wish you all love and healing on your continued journey of growth.

Vinny ✨

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