Healing Crystals, Magical Minerals and ReveredRocks from Around the World.
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Hi, my name is Vinny,
I guessed before working with me you would want to know a little bit
more about my skills and what I offer.
I have trained directly under the amazing lady who created the
Soul Realignment modality Andrrea Hess and I have to say it was an
amazing experience, I originally took her courses to gain a better
understanding of myself and where I could create abundance in my own
life and I was interested to know what blocks & restrictions were holding me back from creating a fulfilled life, after putting into practice the work myself, I decided to leave my stable, reasonably well paid job to follow a more Spiritual Path, I couldn't wait to share my experience with others, I became a certified practitioner so I could help others who wanted to make positive changes that could transform their lives but didn't yet have the information needed.
Prior to training with Andrrea I had ups and downs as we all do in life and I was visiting a fantastic counsellor and psychotherapist who held an amazingly clear space for me to work through feelings and emotions I thought I had long dealt with or that I'd never even looked at before, I have to give her a mention as she was a big part of me tuning into myself again and learning to follow my intuition which lead me straight back onto my Spiritual Path, which I had been missing such a lot and is a huge part of who I am, this is the link to her website
This was the inspiration behind me undertaking counselling training myself, I believe being able to actively listen and offer some counselling skills a really helpful addition to have alongside my Akashic Records, Intuitive Tarot and Soul Realignment work.
I have been awarded the Level 2 in Effective Listening Skills and Counselling Skills from the counselling & psychotherapy central awarding body, (although you wouldn't believe it once we get on our interactive sessions, I'm very talkative) I think it's because I am so passionate about the transformative information provided, it's so lovely to know my clients have taken away some gold to work with and understand more how to align themselves with what their energy is and what makes them, well, them.
I believe once one goal is nearly reached, it's time to set another, I love learning and developing for myself and to be able to offer more to my clients, I have the life experience of a 45 year old, not all good, I might add, but you definitely know you can feel comfortable with the information shared, because there will be absolutely no judgment.
I should also mention, I have my level 1 Satya Japanese Reiki which I studied with Lorraine Conkey at Stafford Reiki.
To view the terrible photo of me receiving my certification on her page click here:
I charge all my healing crystals with Reiki before they're dispatched, as well as plenty of sunshine so they arrive with beautiful energy, ready for use.
I've completed one of Sara Edwards-Keeling's workshops at Spirit Heart Holistic Animal Therapy, where I got to delve into the world of Animal Communication & Crystal Healing, so watch this space for more on that, I may cover my experience in one of my blogs.
Not only do I love the work I do, I find it fascinating to learn about the science behind Spiritual Practices, Universal Laws, and the history of belief systems, when I have time, I will be covering some of these things in my blogs, if you'd like to be the first to see these as well as special offers and upcoming service and product releases, please subscribe to the website and I will send you updates or like and follow my Facebook & Instagram pages by clicking the relevant link to the right.
I can't wait to answer any questions you might have and I look forward to hopefully working with you.
Update: Since I first wrote this, I have completed my Autism Awareness Course, I'm currently undertaking a two year Astrology Practitioner Course (I can't wait to
be offering you guys readings) and have a much deeper understanding of self-development, shadow work, working with the moon phases, attachment styles
and perimenopause (I'm working on a blog for this one as I type)
Life offers such diversity and I can't wait to embrace every part of it, gaining
understanding, awareness, healing and growth along the way.
"We are the powerful creators of our own experiences"