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Writer's pictureVinny 'The Soul Order'

What are the Best Crystals to use for Menopause Relief? ~

As Women, we all go through hormonal changes throughout our lives, but many of us aren't prepared for the impact of peri-menopause and the symptoms that come along with it.

Crystal Kits for Menopause
Crystal HRT Kit for Menopause Symptom Relief

In this blog, you will find a brief look at my personal journey, menopause symptoms and HRT and an introduction to some very useful Crystals that can help with the transitions as part of a holistic approach on your journey..

I have done a lot of research over the last year regarding the deterioration of hormones in our bodies as we get older, the causes, the impacts, the treatments and holistic approaches, the reason is..

I’ve had a horrible couple of years and battled with myself daily, trying desperately to figure out what was wrong with me, so … if you or someone you care about is struggling, I totally empathize, it can be consuming, mentally, physically and emotionally and affect us in all areas of our lives and the lives of the people around us.

Full disclosure… I now use these crystals alongside body identical HRT (not the crappy ones they used to use) I was originally put off by my memories and miss information of the big scary headlines from the Million Women Survey released in the 90's that highlighted all the negative findings, I've since researched in more detail and found out that none of the women used in the trial were peri-menopausal, they were postmenopausal so older and with health conditions already, as well as this, the hormone replacement methods used were synthetic and not body identical, and to finish it off, the headlines were released much earlier than the findings were confirmed, all these factors put many women off using HRT and has put us back ten years, at least, what a shame when there are so many benefits for a lot of us to using the right kind of HRT.

Here is a link if you're interested in the history and the findings and how they've been challenged over the years, but to delve into the positive and negative effects further so you can make a more informed choice, yourself, I'd advise seeing a HRT specialist or listening to some of the podcasts, discussing this, as this is my just my personal experience and understanding.

I'll briefly cover the main benefits of using HRT that are important to me, personally, and then I'll move onto the best crystals I've been using throughout that I've found super helpful.

For me the concern over my brain not working as sharply as it used to was a factor, especially since dementia is in my family history, did you know that a reduction of estrogen can lead to brain plaques forming, which is linked to degenerative brain disorders?

Or that osteoporosis and other degenerative bone disorders can also be impacted and we don't recover from things as quickly without a healthy level of the right hormones?

The big one for me was the mental health aspect, if you suffer with mental health conditions or have suffered in the past, the decrease in hormones in our bodies can magnify and bring things back into our lives, we thought we had learned to manage.

My personal symptoms..

My anxiety was through the roof and some days I was verging on panic at the thought of doing little things, my emotional dysregulation was ten fold, I couldn't communicate my needs in relationships, I felt like I was losing my mind, I couldn't discern between what was my intuition screaming at me and what was an emotional trauma response, I was confused, unmotivated and drained physically and emotionally by being trapped in my head and fighting with myself daily, I ended up just isolating myself a lot as that was easier than trying to stay balanced around others, it was not looking good, I had reached out to mental health professionals, I went back to therapy and I was constantly researching on youtube and taking courses to try and understand myself better, I considered my insecure attachment styles, autism, BPD, bipolar, complex trauma, the lot!

I knew there was something really wrong but couldn't find the answers, and I was willing to accept anything and integrate new management skills but my confidence was through the floor and I was so tired, I'd lost myself.. If this resonates, there is hope!

I am in a totally different place now, with a mix of more holistic approaches, a better diet, lots of water, calming and grounding techniques, acceptance and self compassion, Law of Attraction work, therapy, my wonderful Crystals and HRT, my symptoms have improved massively, my mind is calm again, I'm not as clumsy, I can focus on tasks, my energy is back (that took the longest to recover) and my anxiety is well under control again, I can express myself without fearing the worst, the confidence in myself and my intuition is improving more and more as I set clear boundaries and understand what I value without questioning myself all the time, so there it is, my little rollercoaster journey in a nutshell.

Now onto a list of the Crystals included in the article and in the Menopause Baggies before we get into the benefits of each ~

I have been using most of these crystals and I’ve included them for this reason, there are many other benefits but I’ve stuck to the ways in which each crystal and stone has benefited me, personally, in this specific area, I feel these are some of the best Crystals for Menopause relief...

  • Larimar

  • Blue Lace Agate

  • Green Aventurine

  • Ocean Jasper

  • Fluorite

  • Mangano Calcite

  • Carnelian

  • Citrine

  • Amethyst

  • Amazonite

  • Rose Quartz

  • Chrysocolla

  • Labradorite

  • Moonstone

  • Pyrite

  • Tourmaline Quartz

  • Smokey Quartz

  • Lapis Lazuli

Larimar can help Cool and Calm
Larimar Cabochon

Larimar (you can also use Blue Lace Agate for the same purposes) ~

This is a wonderful crystal for helping to regulate temperature, so if you’re overheating or experiencing night sweats or hot flashes, then Larimar is one of the best crystals for aiding this. 

It is also good for relieving tension and reducing anxiety and fear, bringing a more relaxed and calm vibe.

Green Aventurine Tower
Green Aventurine from Brazil

Green Aventurine ~ 

Green Aventurine helps us to bring energy into our home or ventures, if we’re lacking the motivation to keep going or finding a disconnect to our soul purpose then this crystal helps us to maintain this. 

Also a lifesaver when it comes to irrational thoughts and rumination, bringing calm during challenging situations allowing decision making processes to run more smoothly and dispute some of that confusion we can feel. 

Ocean Jasper Accepting Changes
Orby Ocean Jasper Necklace

Ocean Jasper ~ (also Red Jasper, although this has added energy boosting properties and grounding too)

I use Ocean Jasper for peri-menopause specifically as it helps us to accept change, it’s hard to come to terms with our body’s changes, our abilities being a bit hit and miss at times and the challenges of changes in outside circumstances also, Ocean allows us to go with the flow a lot more and accept things for what they are so we don’t end up beating ourselves up. 

It also has a really positive impact on allowing us to stay more present and focused so we know that can be a huge help too. 

Stunning Banded Fluorite Sphere
Fluorite for Clear Thinking and Brain Fog

Fluorite ~ (also Clear Quartz for similar reasons) 

Fluorite absolutely has to be in this list, I haven’t been without this Crystal for the last year at least, it helps with focus, clarity, brain fog, concentration and decision making abilities, whether you’re menopausal or not, if you struggle with any kind of attention deficit, I highly recommend Fluorite.

Pink Mangano Calcite for Loss and Grief
Natural Pink Mangano Calcite

Mangano Calcite ~ 

I’ve started to include this Crystal in nearly all the hormone balancing baggies as it can help the endocrine system to regulate, for those that don’t know what that is, it’s the regulatory system for your hormones, not just to your ovaries (men testies) but our nervous system, brain and our metabolism, so if you’re finding your gaining a little around the middle or your brain isn’t at full capacity due to decreasing hormone levels..  I love Manago! 

Carnelian for Vitality and Energy
Carnelian for an Energy Boost

Carnelian ~ (I use Citrine for very similar reasons)

Well basically an energy booster, motivation enhancer and lifts low mood, what else do we need to know really about Carnelian in this aspect?! 

There is more though, our confidence can take a massive hit during this chapter of our lives and we can second guess ourselves and even our own sanity at times, Carnelian is an empowering crystal that helps with self confidence.

It also brings prosperity, luck and joy, oh let’s not forget, it helps the female reproductive system, so that’s Carnelian. 

Amethyst Crystal for Balancing Hormones
Amethyst for Hormone Balancing

Amethyst ~

Amethyst is said to enhance the immune system and balance hormones.

I use it more specifically to help with headaches, tension and to aid me with clearing blocks, manage trauma and to break negative cycles that halt the transformation process.

It also helps with depression, anxiety and mood swings, so you can see why it’s a go to!

Amazonite helps us to articulate ourselves clearly
Amazonite for Clear and Truthful Communication

Amazonite ~

So who has been having problems being able to communicate and articulate successfully? Me! Especially when emotions are involved. 

Amazonite encourages positive and truthful communication in a calming, harmonious energy, it empowers us to stand in our truth and find our integrity even when faced with difficult conversations, confrontation, or when strong emotions surface.


It aids us to find the freedom to express our thoughts and feelings while awakening our compassion for others, we can more easily perceive both sides of a problem and accept differing points of view.

If you struggle to understand where boundaries should be placed and how to initiate these, Amazonite can help us to learn and guide us to set strong and clear boundaries where needed with others but also how to hold our own boundaries internally and draw on our self-discipline to stay in our integrity.


Amazonite dissipates negative and discordant energy, quells aggression and irrationality or over-reactions.

Amazonite can be used to sooth emotional trauma and overcome fears, it encourages us to live in alignment with our true selves, lets us live more in the flow, like the river we believe it is named after and encourages self love, inspiration and adventure.

Rose Quartz Paw Print for Self Acceptance
Rose Quartz for Self Acceptance

Rose Quartz ~ (also Rhodonite and Rhodochrosite for the same reasons)

For self love, acceptance and self worth, allowing us to love ourselves for who we are and being ok with ourselves even when things are tough.

These stones help us heal emotional wounds, they allow us to release the things that are not serving our highest good. Lifting low mood relating to stress and stimulating our creative flow.

They allow us to be open to the positive things from others too and help us to keep our expectations in check, expectations of ourselves and others can make us feel  hurt and disappointed if they’re unrealistic. 

These crystals are nurturing and supportive when we have work to do on ourselves, holding space to be reflective without criticism. 

Natural Chrysocolla for the Nervous System
Natural Chrysocolla for the Nervous System

Chrysocolla ~ 

I love Chrysocolla for its beautiful colouring and its amazing properties.

If you’re not feeling ready to deal with hidden emotions and want a soothing and nurturing stone, Chrysocolla helps to reassure and shield us until we’re ready to process things. This stone helps with feelings of guilt, frustration and heavy emotions of any kind. 

Use Chrysocolla to overcome destructive programming, stress and nervous system issues. 

Bringing harmony and purification it helps to allow compromise and calms upset and irritability.

Oh and a big one, it also brings in patience! For ourselves and others. 




Labradorite helps Balance Emotions
Labradorite helps Balance Emotions

Labradorite ~

Another fav! Lab helps me to feel balanced and grounded, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, it’s been a go to for me in recent years, 

When I’m struggling to know the difference between my intuition and my emotional or trigger responses, Labradorite helps to put me back in touch with myself, some of you will understand how confusing it can get when we’re feeling certain ways but we can’t grasp if it’s an us issue or a them issue and something we need to address internally or externally, that’s how Labradorite helps me. 

This beautiful crystal is the stone of spiritual transformation and expansion, it provides us with courage, strength and focus on any spiritual path where there is change. 


Moonstone Supports us Through Difficult Transitions
Moonstone Supports us Through Difficult Transitions

Moonstone ~

For emotional balance, inner strength and harmony. 

Moonstone is linked to the Divine Feminine and new beginnings, just because we’re changing, it’s not the end of something but the beginning of a new chapter. 

A guide through growth, bringing us back into line with nature's cycles and allowing us to take time for self care. 

Linked to hormone balance, all reproductive organs and offers emotional support during life's transitions.

One last thing.. I like this stone for helping us to be strong enough to know what we deserve and fight for those things in a peaceful and receptive way. 

Disclaimer: If you are feeling super emotional, maybe pop your Moonstone up to charge over the full moon period as it can at times enhance emotions for me around the full moon. 

Pyrite for Luck and Prosperity
Pyrite for a Sense of Purpose and to Bring Prosperity

Pyrite ~

For everything! Seriously, one of my most used minerals, Pyrite offers me a sense of grounding when I’m anxious, gives a confidence boost that’s gentle and not too overwhelming and just brings a sense of well being and calm, well needed at times!

If I’m doing live sales, fairs or seeing people, it’s my go to, it seems to just reduce overwhelm and cleanses the aura.

Any new chapters and fresh starts can benefit from pyrite as it is the mineral of abundance.

Activating the solar plexus chakra it restores a sense of purpose, provides self-esteem and the power of transformation. 

If you have been suffering from low self-esteem, have trouble making decisions or control issues come up in your life, it could mean your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance, this can also manifest as fatigue, overeating, excessive weight around the stomach, and digestive system disorders such as IBS, ulcers, hypoglycemia, and diabetes, if this is the case keep some Pyrite close and with intent look to bring this back into balance.

Tourmaline Quartz Balancing and Clearity
Tourmaline Quartz Balancing and Clearity

Tourmaline Quartz ~ 

The balance between the protective properties of Tourmaline and the cleansing and clarity of Quartz is mirrored in us, bringing balance, speaking to the yin and yang, dark and light, masculine and feminine. 

Renowned for its ability to block negative energy, Tourmaline creates a barrier to any unwanted or negative vibes.

By promoting a sense of security and clearing our minds of negativity, this crystal aids in reducing anxiety, stress, and feelings of paranoia. It encourages a more positive outlook on life and a general sense of clarity, so can really help with the old brain fog. 

If used alongside Clear Quartz, this enhances the properties of Tourmaline and also helps to balance the energies of protection and grounding with intuition, clarity, cleansing and healing.

Smokey Quartz Grounding Purifying and Protecting
Smokey Quartz Grounding Purifying and Protecting

Smokey Quartz ~

Another must have! 

There are way too many properties to list here but the main ones I’d say for this subject specifically are …. It’s ability to 

create a calming space, it soaks up negative energies, helps with emotional and environmental stress, it’s great for transmuting emotional trauma into self belief and trust of our intuition.

It’s a grounding stone which helps us stand strong and feel empowered, secure and independent. 

Physically it can aid with muscle cramps, headaches and tension of the shoulders and back.

Smokey Quartz can filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain our strength and enthusiasm.

Helping also with anxiety, panic, negative thinking, confusion, overcoming obstacles, manifesting new outcomes, dealing with anger or unspoken resentment, doubt, worry and sadness. 

Lapis Lazuli Deep Inner Knowing and Confidence
Lapis Lazuli Deep Inner Knowing and Confidence

Lapis Lazuli ~

This isn’t a stone I personally work with but there seems to be way too many properties that would benefit us during these times so I’ve included it, lots of practitioners suggest the use of Lapis for menopause…

As well as its ability to bring prosperity and luck, I think more importantly for this subject. The self awareness, harmony and a deeper inner knowing aspects work really well.

Lapis has us recognising our inner strengths and our creativity, aiding us to see with clarity and objectivity, we are able to trust our intuition and manifest our goals with confidence.

Because of its link to the throat chakra and third eye chakra, it aids us in seeing our personal truths, confronting and accepting them and outwardly expressing ourselves honestly but with compassion.

It does also have powerful protective properties, guarding us while we’re navigating this period of our lives. 

Legal Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.


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