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Super High Grade Pink Aragonite Free Form Afghanistan

Super High Grade Pink Aragonite Free Form Afghanistan

Super High Grade Pink Aragonite with Hematite Inclusions from Helmand Afghanistan

Size: 7.9cm

Weight: 327g

Pink Aragonite is a beautiful variety of aragonite, a calcium carbonate mineral that forms in sedimentary rock environments.

Aragonite derives its name from the Aragon region in Spain, where it was first discovered. The pink variety is relatively rare compared to other colors of aragonite and is prized for its stunning pink hues.

Pink Aragonite is associated with its ability to soothe emotional stress and anxiety, promoting feelings of peace and tranquility.

We associate Pink Aragonite with the heart chakra, suggesting it can help open and heal matters of the heart, including relationships and self-love.

Much like the other forms of aragonite, Pink Aragonite is said to help ground and stabilize our energy, promoting a sense of security and balance.

An emotional support aid, Pink Aragonite has a gentle and nurturing energy that can provide support during times of stress, grief, or trauma. It can help calm the mind, soothe anxious feelings, and promote emotional stability and resilience.

This crystal is often used to encourage self-love, compassion, and acceptance. It can assist in releasing self-criticism and negative self-talk, fostering a deeper sense of self-worth and appreciation.

These beautiful pieces are said to facilitate healing in relationships, helping is to let go of past hurts, forgive others, and cultivate healthier communication and connections with loved ones.

Pink Aragonite has been reported to stimulate creativity and imagination, making it a beneficial crystal for artists, writers, and anyone seeking inspiration or creative solutions to challenges.

While the focus of Pink Aragonite is primarily on emotional and spiritual healing, some practitioners believe it may also have physical benefits. It's said to support the heart and circulatory system and may help alleviate symptoms of stress-related illnesses.

Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.


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