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Shimmery Sunstone Beaded Bracelet 6mm

Shimmery Sunstone Beaded Bracelet 6mm

Shimmery Sunstone 6mm Beaded Crystal Bracelet.

Sunstone is a wonderfully joyous stone which aids in lifting low mood and depression while helping to bring back our motivation and optimism.


Sunstone brings the energy of good fortune and abundance, it can aid in re-igniting our creative fire when hope has seemed lost in our lives giving us the self confidence and enthusiasm to manifest forward movement towards our goals once again or to align us with new intentions which we find passion and enjoyment in.


Great for developing our personal power or taking our power back after feeling lost or hopeless, Sunstone allows us to tap into our strength and courage, initiate changes that need to happen for a more fulfilling life and can have us stepping into a leadership role in our lives, work, career or relationships with others and ourselves.


Sunstone taps into the more Masculine energies within us, the go-getter, the initiator, the enthusiast and the confident mover so it can be a wonderful tool for anyone who wants to start anything new in their life or needs the motivation to push through and complete projects while feeling empowered.



Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

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