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Ocean Jasper Mini Heart Bringing Patience

Ocean Jasper Mini Heart Bringing Patience

Ocean Jasper's energies, emotional and etherical benefits:

This stone embodies the ocean's rhythmic tides and encourages us to move with the flow of nature and of life’s circumstances while allowing us to do this with less effort due to its amazing calming and peaceful energy.

We are able to let go of negative emotions and things that don’t serve us, find comfort in our breath and be present and focused.


Relieving pressures and tensions, its soothing water element and its link to the heart chakra has us looking inside ourselves and finding self love and optimism, uplifting us and allowing us to feel protected and safe in the oneness and interconnectedness of all things.

Ocean Jasper aids us with patience and offers an inner strength as well as a deeper understanding of ourselves, due to its link to the Solar Plexus chakra it has us looking at past issues and seeing things from a new perspective, allowing us to move on and live our full potential and engage in personal growth.

The stone also encourages us to consider karma and balance, Ocean Jasper has us giving out what we want to receive, understanding that good intentions will cycle round.


Physical benefits:

If you have tummy problems, nutritional issues and digestive system issues, Ocean Jasper can calm and soothe these.

Nausea and vomiting as well as sea sickness and inner ear imbalances are said to be helped by Ocean Jasper as well as elevating the absorption rate of vitamins and minerals.

This beautiful stone has also been known to stabilize skin disorders including eczema and is considered restorative for the tissue relating to our internal organs.

Thyroid variance is another difficulty that can be aided by Ocean Jasper.


A bit about the stone/crystal:

Sometimes referred to as Orbicular Jasper it's one of the most beautifully unique stones, every piece is so different, the colours range from deep greens, pinks, blues, whites, all banded together, often with orbs of multi colours, some of these stones glisten like sand, but this is an illusion as actually the glistening within these stones is micro crystallized quartz, often these pieces have nooks and crevices and sometimes druzey, and who doesn’t love a druzey?!

Disclaimer: please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not a replacement for medical expertise and is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Size: 2cm

  • How I choose the crystals....

    I personally hand pick all the crystals you see on my site, I choose pieces that I'm intuitively drawn to because of their positive energy and the energy of the seller or that their beauty just knocks my socks off! 

    Every crystal, mineral or stone is unique so if you order a specific piece, that’s what you will get, you will never get a variation of it, you will get exactly what is shown on the listing, that is my promise to you. 

    Crystals are cleansed and charged with sunlight and Rieki so each piece will arrive with a beautiful energy, ready for use. 

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