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Natural Citrine Free Form Brazil Happiness and Abundance

Natural Citrine Free Form Brazil Happiness and Abundance

☀️ Sunny Citrine Brazilian Free Form 💛

Size: 7.2cm

Citrine at a Glance ~


















🌈 Citrine is a radiant gemstone known for its vibrant golden-yellow hue, associated with positivity, abundance, and energy, like the Sun.

🦁 Citrine is considered a stone of manifestation, assisting us in bringing desires and intentions to fruition.

It promotes self-confidence, courage, and a positive outlook, making it a popular choice for those seeking to boost their self-esteem and overall sense of empowerment.

❤️‍🩹 In terms of healing properties, Citrine is thought to cleanse and energize both the physical and mental aspects of a person.

🧠 It can stimulate creativity and imagination and encourage self expression, making it a valuable aid for artists and innovators.

Citrine is also considered to be a powerful cleanser and regenerator, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

🌍 One of the most prominent cultural associations of Citrine is with ancient Greece and Rome.

The gemstone was often used as decorative adornments and jewelry during that era. Its radiant color and perceived connection to the sun symbolizes positivity, vitality, and abundance.

Citrine has also been used historically as a protective talisman against negative energies and influences.

💰 In modern metaphysical practices, Citrine is considered a stone of prosperity and wealth.

It is used to attract abundance and success, making it a popular choice for businesses and anyone seeking financial growth.

💛Citrine's uplifting energy and warm color aligns with the solar plexus chakra, supporting personal power, confidence, and motivation.

Relieving depression, fears and worries, while encouraging the release of negative patterns or things that no longer bring us inspiration and joy.


💪 When it comes to physical healing, Citrine is thought to invigorate and revitalize the body, helping to combat fatigue and increase overall energy levels.

Citrine is also said to aid in improving digestion and metabolism, assisting the body in efficiently processing nutrients and eliminating waste.

Associated with enhancing the immune system's function, helping the body defend against illnesses and infections.

😴 Citrine's energizing properties are thought to be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic fatigue, exhaustion or tiredness and low energy.

Some believe that Citrine can have a positive impact on skin health, contributing to a more vibrant and clear complexion.

Promoting healthy digestion and alleviating issues such as stomachaches, bloating, and nausea.

🧬 Citrine is sometimes associated with the endocrine system and is believed to have a positive influence on hormonal balance as well as claims that it can benefit the movement of blood around the body and circulatory issues.

Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

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