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Green Rutile Quartz Tumbled Bracelet

Green Rutile Quartz Tumbled Bracelet

Green Rutile Quartz Bracelet

Rutile Quartz, known also as Rutilated Quartz, Needle Quartz or Angel Hair Quartz is a captivating crystal known for its unique appearance.

This quartz variety is distinguished by the inclusion of golden or copper-colored needle-like inclusions of the mineral rutile within the crystal structure.

The interplay of light and the golden threads within the quartz are seen as metaphors for the interconnectedness of all life and the potential for positive transformation.

Golden Rutile is a high vibing crystal which brings luck, abundance and self empowerment.

If you’re looking to raise your vibration and attract the good things in life, Golden Rutile is a good crystal to have by your side.

Metaphysically, Golden Rutile Quartz is considered a powerful amplifier of energy and intention, making it a popular choice among those of us who practice energy work, manifestation or meditation.

The golden rutile inclusions enhance our spiritual connection and facilitate communication with higher realms.

This crystal is associated with promoting clarity of thought, helping us to gain insights, increase logical thinking, analysis and find solutions to challenges.

It aids in releasing negative energies, lifting low mood and depression, boosting our self confidence and will power while promoting emotional healing.

We can get stuck in a loop, repeat patterns or make negative choices due to unconscious programming or past experiences, Golden Rutile and Garden Quartz are my two favorite go to crystals for finding the hidden gold within a situation or experience to gain greater awareness, heal traumas and grow.

Golden Rutile Quartz is also said to assist in grounding and balancing energies, making it useful for maintaining a sense of stability and well-being.

In various cultural and spiritual traditions, Rutilated Quartz has been regarded as a stone of protection and transformation. It's often seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, encouraging personal growth and spiritual evolution.

The golden rutile inclusions represent the "golden threads" that connect all aspects of existence.

Golden Rutile Quartz has a radiant and distinctive appearance, making it a sought-after gemstone for jewelry and spiritual practices. It's often used in crystal healing layouts, meditation sessions, and energy cleansing rituals.

Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

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