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Chrysocolla and Malachite Cabochon

Chrysocolla and Malachite Cabochon

Grams: 17.3g

Size: 3.7cm


Chrysocolla Healing Properties 


Chrysocolla has a really soothing and nurturing energy, if you’re not ready to deal with hidden emotions but would like a soothing, calming stone this is the perfect gemstone for you, it can help reassure and shield us until we’re ready to process deep emotions. 


If you have been feeling guilt, heavy emotions or need to overcome destructive programming this stone can aid you. 


If you struggle with mental tension, stress, frustration or have issues with your nervous system then this beautiful gemstone is perfect. 


Chrysocolla brings harmony and purification to the home and mind, allowing for compromises and calming feelings of upset, it can help us to see things with clarity and find solutions whilst reducing nervousness and irritability. 


It can increase healing of the heart and allow love and sensitivity. 


If there is aggression in your life and problems with anger and frustration from others or if you’re struggling yourself then Chrysicolla is said to bring calming, tranquility, patience and tolerance. 


Ancient Egyptians called this beautiful copper gem “the wise stone” as it inspires reconciliation and negotiations, Cleopatra wore Chrysocolla jewelry for its benefits. 


Native American Indians embraced this gemstone for it’s wise energy and link to the oneness of the Universe and Nature, bringing peace, harmony, unconditional love, a link to our higher intuition and clear thinking. 


Also said to aid an increase in our bodies resistance to falling ill there is a list of suggested physical healing benefits below. 


Chrysicolloa is said to have its roots in Tibet and Africa where legend has it being used there in healing and then traditionally by the Apache Indians. 


Chrysocolla can boost prosperity, luck and happiness which I certainly can agree with, I also find it inspiring and helps when accessing creativity and motivation as well as aiding with truthful self expression.


Chrysocolla has similar benefits to turquoise and works really well alongside it. 


Physical Healing: 

Great for women who suffer with PMS and menstrual cramps.

Arthritis, issues with bones, strengthens muscles and elivates cramps and spasms.

Blood disorders, oxygenates the blood and cellular structure of the lungs aiding with breathing.

Regulates insulin

Heals infections, lowers blood pressure and soothes burns. 

Great for balancing the thyroid and helps maintain a healthy metabolic system, eases ulcers and aids digestion.

Detoxifies the liver and kidneys.


Malachite Healing Properties 


Malachite absorbs negative energies and smog as well as electrical pollution.

It’s known to be a highly protective and calming stone, bringing emotional balance, helping to stabilize mood changes and anxieties, bringing peace and allowing us to release negative Karma and traumas, gain wisdom of our spiritual selves and develop our understanding of positive transformation. 


As with a lot of green stones, Malachite is linked closely with the heart chakra and allows us to open our hearts to unconditional love, a deeper understanding of ourselves and others as well as learning empathy and the importance of finding happiness in our experience rather than material goals. 


A powerful healing and comforting stone can aid us in navigating the bumps in the road during growth, allowing us to take greater risks and embrace change to become more confident in our choices and happy to lead the way for others.


If you find you hold yourself back from creating abundance in your life, Malachite creates an energy that dispels inhibitions and allows us to understand our mistakes and take responsibility for where we are as well as have the confidence to embrace change and create new outcomes. 


Physically, Malachite has multiple healing properties, if you struggle to maintain information or struggle with spelling or dyslexia, this stone can benefit you. 


It's hugely helpful for the feminine, PMT, period pains, cramps, menopause and labour.


Not to be used in place of treatment but to aid with tumours and cancers it stimulates the immune system as well as the nervous system.

Malachite helps with any bone deficiencies and joint pain, travel sickness and vertigo, it lowers blood pressure and helps the liver to process toxins more efficiently. 

It enables you to gain answers from dreams making them more vivid and meaningful. 

The stone's name derives from the latin words Mallow Green Stone, because of its likeness to the mallow plant. 

First mined here in Britain and then later smelted to obtain copper from mines in Timna Valley in Israel, it is now found in Russia, South Africa, Germany and Arizona to name just a few. 



Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

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