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Carnelian Agate Point Energy and Inner Power

Carnelian Agate Point Energy and Inner Power

Fiery Carnelian Agate Banded Point

Size: 8.4cm


Carnelian Attracts Prosperity, Joy and Good luck!


If you've been lacking motivation or struggling with low mood then Carnelian Agate can fire passion and creativity, it can help to sharpen concentration and awaken hidden talents.


Carnelian has us focusing our energy on our desires and helps us to find new motivation and ambition to achive our goals.


If it's confidence you struggle with, whether generally or within certain situations Carnelian is an empowering agate promoting self confidence and courage.


For those of us feeling tired, run down or drained Carnelian helps to overcome lethargy and creates energy and vitality while for anyone who has been through trauma, abusive relationships or negative conditioning Carnelian can help to bring us back into balance, allowing us the belief and conviction to overcome insecurities.


Physically the properties that stand out to me are balancing of the female reproductive system also boosting blood circulation in turn it's often used to increase firtility or as an additional aid to IVF.


If you have low libido or have lost inspiration with sex, Carnilean can help give you the boost you need and have you stepping into yourself as a sexual being.


Its warmth also helps during the cold months with stiff joints and muscles pain.


A firm favourite in the crystal healing comunity to help open and balance the lower Chakras, particularly the Sacral Chakra which is linked to our sexual energy and inner power.


A detoxifying crystal, it can be helpful for ridding the body of toxins and generally ridding ourselves emotionally or physically of toxic or self restricing behaviours.

Size: 8cm

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