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Blue Kyanite Sparkly Multi Faceted Charm Bracelet Spiritual Level Up

Blue Kyanite Sparkly Multi Faceted Charm Bracelet Spiritual Level Up

🩵💙High Vibing Blue Kyanite 💙🩵

✨Healing and Attunement ✨

🕵️ Interesting facts.. Kyanite doesn’t hold onto negative energy so it’s one of the few crystals that is said to not need cleansing and is believed by many to be a natural pain reliever.

🌊 It comes from the Greek word “kuanos”, meaning “deep blue” and was once known as Disthene which means two strengths, due to the way it grows.

🔮 Kyanite is a fabulous aid to anyone who wants to explore their spiritual gifts or gain a more clear understanding of their innate abilities on this earth.

🧠 With a clear and logical mind and the allowing of new understandings, anything can seem possible.

💭 Kyanite opens up new pathways for us to discover our dream states or subconscious and can aid in connection to other realms, our higher selves, our guides and the Universe as well as stimulating us in a way that can see us through situations that would otherwise be draining, giving us an added persistence.

🧘 Kyanite is well known in the healing community as it can help us transition between states of being, meditation, aligning the chakras, balancing Yin and Yang, astral projection, understanding the subconscious mind and opening up to giving and receiving healing energies.

🌀 If you’re ready to level up on your journey of discovery, Blue kyanite is perfect as it encourages consistent ascension, if you’re using Kyanite for these reasons and have attuned your crystal for this, I suggest using Kyanite in a safe environment where you’re in your own company or in a trusted environment as it can work to help you absorb energies and ground them to forward your journey.

⚖️ But… Kyanite has many more benefits, it promotes fair and balanced relationships with others, at work, within the family or intimate relationships, if there has been damaged caused due to misunderstandings, disagreements or conflicting beliefs, Blue Kyanite can help to work through these and bring some common ground and a calmer energy.

🗣️ As other Blue crystals, Kyanite can help with self expression, speaking our truth, public speaking and when we feel we have been put on the spot, bringing quick thinking and clear communication.

🔐 One more thing to mention, if you have been struggling with breaking cycles of behavior or addiction, codependency etc. Kyanite is believed to be of help.

It brings tranquility and calms frustration, confusion and stress.

Disclaimer ~

Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

#bluekyanite #kyanite

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