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Bismuth Sea Turtle Adapt to Changes

Bismuth Sea Turtle Adapt to Changes

Bismuth Metaphysical Healing Properties 


Overwhelmed with the day to day?

Struggling to set and hold intentions? 

Do you find it difficult to adapt to changes? 

Want to improve relationship dynamics? 

Or have feelings of isolation or loneliness? 


Bismuth can be a fantastic aid!


This stunning mineral’s formation shows steps and layers and beautiful rainbow colours, is it any wonder that its energy resonates with higher levels of consciousness, it is used in Shamanic journeys, bridging the gap between our astral states and our 3D lives, it can help create more stable spiritual connections with ourselves and others in this dimension and beyond, it helps us reach meditative states and aligns all the chakras.


It transmutes crown chakra energy and brings it down into the root chakra so that we can stabalise and ground ideas into reality and allows us to be more present in the now while also creating new manifestations and intentions that are beyond our current circumstances. 


If you have a mind which wonders or goes off in multiple directions when you’re trying to focus, or you struggle to get your mind organised, Bismuth has a knack of creating order in chaos, it soothes the mind, helps when adapting to changes in circumstances or thought patterns, promotes coherence and relieves the feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and depression. 


Bismuth can also help us to stay on track when it comes to our intentions, it improves our concentration and helps with teamwork, creating a sense of oneness and serenity as it helps to relieve feelings of emotional and spiritual isolation. 


In fact it can help us to improve our relationship dynamics with our higher selves, our co-workers or family friends and loved ones, bringing greater wisdom and helpful foresight.


Lastly, Bismuth has fantastic cleansing and purification properties and can block electromagnetic radiation from our phones, computers and more.  

It is said on a physical level to alleviate stomach issues, acid reflux, ulcers etc. as well as balancing the thyroid. 


Size: 3.6cm


Disclaimer: please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not a replacement for medical expertise and is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

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