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Aquamarine Obelisk Overcome Fears Speak Up

Aquamarine Obelisk Overcome Fears Speak Up

Aquamarine carries with it the tranquil and healing energy of water, linked closely to the ocean, lakes and streams.

As water is the element of our emotions, our inner waters, it can help sooth turbulent feelings, Aquamarine not only helps calm emotions, it emits a gentle and nurturing energy that helps to soothe, mind, body and spirit, also.

This beautiful blue crystal reduces stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, promoting a sense of peace and serenity within us.

Aquamarine has a profound ability to support emotional healing and release of unresolved emotions.

It encourages honest self-reflection, allowing us to delve into your emotional depths and heal any wounds or traumas.

Aquamarine assists in letting go of emotional baggage, promoting forgiveness of ourselves and others, and has us fostering a sense of compassion and empathy.

As many blue crystals, it is associated with enhancing clear and effective communication.

It assists in expressing thoughts and feelings with clarity, helping us to articulate these in a harmonious manner.

This crystal promotes healthy communication and fosters understanding in relationships.

I love Aquamarine, its properties are so far reaching, it is a stone that stimulates the development of intuition and enhances psychic abilities, encouraging us to trust our inner guidance and listen to our instincts.

By opening and activating the throat chakra, Aquamarine assists in aligning our intuition with our verbal expression.

Stunning blue also has specific protective qualities, when it comes to emotional and psychic protection, acting as a shield against negative energies and promoting a sense of overall well-being.

Aquamarine also aids in purifying the aura, cleansing it of stagnant or negative energy, and restoring balance.

The list goes on …. Aquamarine also brings a sense of empowerment when it comes to self-expression and boosts our self-confidence in these matters.

It aids us in overcoming our fears around speaking up, encouraging us to express our true thoughts and feelings with courage and conviction.

Aquamarine supports us in embracing our authentic selves and living in alignment with our inner truth.

It encourages us to go with the flow of life, easing resistance and allowing you to embrace change.

By promoting a state of tranquility and grace, Aquamarine helps us to find serenity amidst life's challenges.

Disclaimer: please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not a replacement for medical expertise and is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Size: 10.2cm

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